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Troubleshooting & FAQ

Common Resolution Steps

If you are facing issues with operating the app, please follow these common resolution steps below.

Sign Out and In

You may Sign Out by navigating to the More tab and tapping Sign Out, then signing back in. If you have multiple EFTPOS Air businesses set up then you will be prompted which business you want to operate as you Sign In.

Restart EFTPOS Air

Bring up the iOS or Android task switcher and swipe the EFTPOS Air app away, then try running EFTPOS Air again.

Reinstall EFTPOS Air

  1. Navigate to the App Store (iOS) or Play Store (Android) and find the EFTPOS Air app via your installed apps or search.
  2. Tap Uninstall to uninstall EFTPOS Air app.
  3. Once EFTPOS Air app is uninstalled, tap Install to install it again.


What do I do if Airpay TAP/Tap to Pay on iPhone is Returning an Error?

  1. Some errors tell you exactly how to resolve them, so please follow any instructions provided with the error text
  2. Many errors are temporary and may occur only once, please try again and check whether your action is successful
  3. If you continue to encounter errors, please try disabling and re-enabling Airpay TAP/Tap to Pay by completing the following steps:
    1. Navigate to the More tab > Card Payments menu
    2. Tap "Disable"
    3. Tap "Enable"
    4. Attempt a test tap, as prompted by the EFTPOS Air app
  4. If errors persist, please restart the EFTPOS Air app
  5. If restarting the EFTPOS Air app hasn't resolved the issue, it's recommended that you sign out and sign in again
  6. If none of the previous steps have resolved the issue, re-installing the EFTPOS Air app may fix the problem
  7. If you're still encountering issues with the EFTPOS Air app, please contact support

Tap to Pay on iPhone

You can link your Apple ID via an iPhone or via the EFTPOS Air portal, please view the Apple ID Link section.

Does my device support Tap to Pay on iPhone contactless payments?

Tap to Pay on iPhone enables you to take contactless payments on your device.

For a list of compatible devices, please view the Device Compatibility page.

Why is Tap to Pay on iPhone returning an error?

If Tap to Pay on iPhone returns an error when trying to enable payments, then you may try the following:

  1. Try any actions suggested in the error message you received
  2. Try to Restart EFTPOS Air
  3. Please contact our support team and let us know the error code you're receiving , as well as any other important details, so that we can help you out.

You can find more helpful information on Apple's FAQ by clicking here.

Airpay TAP (Android)

Does my device support Airpay TAP contactless payments?

Airpay TAP is available on compatible Android devices from popular manufacturers including Samsung, Google, Oppo, Zebra and others.

For a full list of supported devices and minimum requirements, please view the Device compatibility page.

Why is Airpay TAP is returning an error?

If Airpay TAP returns an error when trying to enable payments, then you may try the following:

  1. Try any actions suggested in the error message you received
  2. Try to Restart EFTPOS Air
  3. Please contact our support team and let us know the error code you're receiving , as well as any other important details, so that we can help you out.

Using the App

Why does the EFTPOS Air app prompt me to sign up for card payments?

If EFTPOS Air app prompts you to sign up for card payments unexpectedly, then you may have logged into the wrong account.

Try to Sign Out and In with the correct email address, and if problems persist then please contact us.

Don't have an account?

To sign up for EFTPOS Air, please contact us.

I've forgotten my password. How do I reset it?

On the Sign In screen, enter your email address and choose Next. On the next screen, choose Forgot password?, and then click Next.

You should receive a verification code via email. On the next screen, enter the verification code, then enter a new password.

Strong Passwords

When creating a new password, you'll be required to enter a password that is sufficiently secure. You'll need to avoid using short common words, repeated characters, or commonly used passwords (like password123).

I've forgotten my email address. How do I retrieve my account?

Please contact us and we can help you with this.

How do I use accessibility services when taking card payments?

To ensure the security of your customers' card details and PIN, EFTPOS Air on Android requires that any accessibility services are disabled during PIN entry.

On iOS you can safely use any accessibility features without needing to disable them during PIN entry.

If you use any accessibility services (such as a screen reader, or a password manager), then we recommend using Android's Accessibility Shortcut feature which you can use to quickly turn accessibility on and off as needed. You can use this feature to quickly disable accessibility when PIN entry is required, and re-enable it afterwards.

Please see the in-app training, which can be accessed from More > Help Center > Airpay TAP Training , for more information.

You can read more about accessibility at:

Note that the process to enable accessibility shortcuts may differ between devices.

How do I enable or disable EFTPOS Air app features?

You can enable or disable EFTPOS Air app features (such as refunds) using the EFTPOS Air Portal.

  1. Navigate to the portal at, then navigate to Roles & Permissions;
  2. Select Edit under Global Business Features.
  3. To disable a feature, find the feature you'd like to disable (such as Refunds) and select the ✘ (cross) to disable it.
  4. To re-enable a feature, select the ✔ (tick) to enable it.

Following the above steps allows you to enable or disable a feature for your entire business. To just disable a feature for certain user types (Operators or Managers), you can do that from the same page by selecting Edit under the user type you'd like to change.

Managing sales

How do I provide a refund?

You can create a new refund by navigating to the paid tab, selecting the sale you wish to refund, and clicking the overflow button () in the bottom right corner and selecting Refund.

How do I delete an invoice?

To delete a draft invoice:

  1. Tap on the draft you would like to delete;
  2. Tap the overflow menu button (arrow icon) in the bottom right corner
  3. Select Delete.

Invoices can only be deleted while in draft state, and only if they have no failed payments against them. If an invoice has a failed payment you may wish to void it.

To void an invoice: 1. Tap the overflow button in the bottom right corner; 1. Select Void.

Invoices with a successful payment against them cannot be deleted or voided. Instead you should cash them out by selecting cash for the remaining payment, and then refunding the customer any remaining money they are owed.

How do I find an incomplete register sale?

Go to Paid tab and select the Incomplete filter option located below the search bar - all partially-paid sales in Retail mode will be displayed here.

Note: If you are in Hybrid mode then incomplete sales will end up in the Invoices tab.

How do I clear a register sale?

You can clear the Register basket via either one of the following methods:

  • Tap the price display on the Register at the top of the screen to bring up the register detail page, then tap the delete button on the top right corner.
  • Make sure the Register tab is selected and tap the Register tab again.

When will my funds settle to my account?

Your funds should be settled daily and you should see your funds within the next business day.

Any Other Issues

For any other issues, please contact us and we can help you out any way we can!