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Paid (Receipts)

Note that in Hospitality mode, this tab is called Receipts.

The paid tab shows you all of your sales and invoice history. Any of your sales, refunds, and invoices that have been paid will appear here, as well as any voided invoices.

This is also where you can create a new refund, either from an existing sale or by tapping the New Refund button at the bottom right of the page. You can read more about refunds in the Refunds section.

Paid filters

The Paid tab shows all your Invoices, Sales, Refunds, and Voided transactions, but you can filter by selecting the appropriate filter at the top of the screen. You can clear a filter by reselecting it, or tapping on the All filter.

If you have any partially paid sales that are incomplete, then any incomplete sales can be found here, and an additional filter Incomplete will be available.

Viewing Entries

Tapping on any entry will show you all the details of that invoice, sale or refund, including all line items and payments.

You can update some fields, including the reference and notes fields.

By tapping: Overflow () at the bottom right of this screen, additional actions can be taken, including:

  • Refund - create a refund based on this invoice or sale
  • Duplicate - create a copy of this invoice or sale
  • Share - share a copy of this invoice, sale or refund with a customer via email or SMS
  • Timeline - view a historical timeline of any actions against this invoice, sale or refund


This filter shows invoices that have been paid in full or voided. All other active invoices (Drafts, Quotes, and Unpaid Invoices) can be found in the Invoices tab.

The Invoices filter is only visible in Invoicing modes.


This filter shows any completed sales made from the Register tab. It will also show any register sales that were voided.

The Sales filter is only visible in Retail modes.


This filter shows any refunds that have been made. You can read more about how to create refunds in the Refunds section.


This filter shows only invoices or sales that have been voided.


The Incomplete filter is a special filter that only appears in Retail mode if there are any incomplete sales. These sales were created in the Register screen but never completely paid off. They may have partial payments against them.

Generally, if you have incomplete sales, you should either pay them off or void them.


When in Invoicing & Retail mode, any incomplete sales will end up in the Drafts section of the Invoices tab.

Retail mode

If you're in Retail mode, then any sales that were unable to be paid will appear here under the Incomplete filter. If you ever think you've lost a sale, look here.