All refunds are initiated by viewing a paid invoice or sale from the Paid tab, and then selecting Refund from the overflow menu ().
When performing a refund, you can choose to refund the entire invoice or sale, just refund certain line items, or refund a specific amount.
Refund a Sale or Invoice
To refund a sale or Invoice, simply find the relevant sale or invoice in the Paid tab and tap on it.
From there, select the overflow button at the bottom right of the screen and choose Refund.
When creating a refund, you will be prompted to either select the line items you'd like to refund, or enter the value you'd like to refund. If you've already done a partial refund for this sale or invoice, then subsequent refunds will only be available using the same method (line items or value) as used previously.
Once you've chosen the line items or entered the value to refund, select Continue. Next choose the payment you'd like to refund. If you'd like to refund a card based payment, then your customer will need to present the same card used for the purchase.
If you choose to refund a card based payment, then you'll be guided through the standard transaction flow, otherwise you'll need to provide the refund to the customer yourself.
Once the refund is complete you'll be shown the result of the transaction. If the refund requires that more than one payment is refunded, then you can tap "Back to Refund" to choose the next payment.
Refund Using a Different Card
If your customer no longer has the original card used for payment, or if they used a digital wallet (such as Apple Pay or Google Pay) that doesn't match the card number used, then you may need to do a refund to a different card (a refund that doesn't require the original card to be presented).
In order to process a refund for a different card, you'll need to contact support to explain the reasoning and process the refund.